1. Emily - The Man in the Long Coat


I have not been compelled to pick up my camera for quite some time now. Over an entire year without one image captured on my SD card.

Photography can be a difficult medium.

Inspiration needs to be in direct proximity in order for anything to come to fruition, let alone satisfy my own standards.

I felt magnetized to my camera after a bizarre dream I had:

It started out in the woods behind the horse farm.

I am struggling with my lenses and framing a forgiving composition.

I feel eyes on me.

Silence, the crunch of the sticks beneath my feet and the smell of burnt leaves...

God, it was very deceiving...

I turned and saw a seemingly disjointed [redacted]. I was drawn to open it and fearful of its possible disappearance.

It took a push but the [redacted] creaked open, almost independently, and there was a long...

and I mean long and dark [redacted].

The feeling of someone watching me grew and I rushed, frantic down the [redacted].

Then I saw him.


The Man in the Long Coat.

I could see the outline of him, but no details. He was shining a [redacted] onto a long [redacted].

My footstep brought a sudden thud that echoed throughout the small [redacted] and immediately the Man in the Long Coat turns to look me in the face.

It was so fast but I saw just....



the shape of his black and grey, sunken eyes -

the [redacted] engulfed his body and he was gone. And I woke up.

I think.

I went out for a shoot after the dream with a friend who had been bugging me for months to visit some abandoned buildings.

I took this image.

no matter how many times I changed the settings...

opened up the aperture...

cranked up the ISO....

switched lenses...

the darkness embodied the picture.

These two things are probably unrelated.

Maybe my camera is broken.