Wormtooth - Legend (DoomTenor Remix) [Feat Harrowgrove]

DoomTenor is an anomalous being working under Tesseract supervision. DoomTenor is a fully autonomous animated suit of clothes acting as though worn by an average human male subject. Under this garb, there is no physical body or visible form of any kind.

DoomTenor is cooperative during Tesseract Society testing and is allowed replacement clothes for torn garments*. It is given a fair deal of autonomy while not under testing to document its nature and understand the extent of its capabilities.

A recent renewed interest in music had not worried Tesseract handlers as its music had never proven to be anomalous in nature.

An untraceable Tesseract Society USB drive was found in DoomTenor’s computer with an unknown folder marked "BREACH."

In the folder there were the files which it used to make two (2) anomalous tracks. Investigation of the drive showed that other folders had been deleted, though the contents are unknown.

Harrowgrove could not be reached for comment on their original contributions to BREACH and could not be found by the Tesseract agents tasked with locating him in the deep forest of New Jersey, though they reported seeing symbols of three (3) arrow-like trees carved into trees and rocks just about everywhere sightings had occurred.

*At no time is DoomTenor to be given a full replacement set of clothes. (See Incident Report #234)

Link to the song - https://open.spotify.com/album/41xF5xIksS3ObM7vx45Pd3

Link to the original song - https://wormtoothmusic.bandcamp.com/track/legend-ft-harrowgrove

Links to all of the collaborator’s websites -

DoomTenor - DoomTenor is allowed no web presence at this time.

Harrowgrove - harrowgrove.com