Recovered ██/██/████ by Tesseract Field Agent: “Tank” Flemmings

It was long before the organization.
Long before calling their phone number from the ad online.
An old white woman on the train playing with her hair while reading in the park.
A small man with his arms full of gifts on the subway smiling nervously.
Timelines have been weird for me, since I was a child.
Art was vivid.
I was selected by the organization for a test study.
I signed an NDA and they promised me that if I was picked for their trial it would all end.
Wow, and this is your old portfolio?
Do you mind if I show this to my boss?"
I was accepted for the preliminary trial.
I wasn’t drawing anyway, this I honestly felt, would be getting paid for what I was already doing,
(Transcribed from “Judas Journal” by Tesseract Agent Codename: SignalSam)
Yesterday I stared at a blank piece of paper for 2 uninterrupted hours.
For a moment, for a glimmer I had an idea make it through the net of critiques that the devil has placed in my brain.
Another idea stillborn.
The promises of the organization hang on them like lead rings.
I can't remove them for they've fused to my gangrenous fingers as my inner demon rots me from within.
I have been calling the organization to see if there are any openings in the old study or new studies to join, but they won't answer my calls.
(Transcribed from “Judas Journal” by Tesseract Agent Codename: SignalSam)
I know I'm on hiatus and all, but
I think I may have been exposed to an anomaly that may be a cognitohazard that may be memetic in nature.
I have confirmed several other people having had the same experience that raised all of the warning signs we're supposed to be looking out for.
I also thought that since it had to do with my creative block it might just be a side effect of my testing for possible inclusion in the R6-B program.
Anyway, there are 5 confirmed cases of the occurrence and 1 non-confirmed instance that involves aggression and violence.
The dream generally begins in a room or area that the dreamer connects to their creativity.
The dreamer who has been suffering from writer's block in real life is similarly struggling to connect with their creative side.
After feeling a strong sense of being watched they turn and find an old wooden [redacted] where previously there had been no such [redacted].
In one the [redacted] is ajar, but there is a bureau in front of the [redacted] stopping it from fully opening.
The dreamers then all open the [redacted] and walk into what appears to be a long dark [redacted].
The [redacted] leads to a room in which there is a figure.
He has his back turned to the [redacted] and is exploring what appears to be a massive black [redacted] in the [redacted] with a [redacted].
The dreamer steps into the room causing the Man in the Long Coat to turn at the sound of the dreamer's step on the floor of the [redacted].
The Man in the Long Coat's face is bruised and beaten as if he has just been in a fight.
The Man in the Long Coat's face is dirty.
At this point in the dream the [redacted] in the [redacted] opens like a giant mouth and swallows him whole.
After waking each dreamer is compelled to create the type of art that they are passionate about.
The dreamer then is compelled to share both the dream and the art often through an internet blog.
Several such Blogs are found at the following web addresses:
(Report by Tesseract Agent Judas [Redacted])*
(Submitted to vociemail at Tesseract Society Facitity 417-B. )
(Transcribed by Tesseract Agent [Redacted])**
(Redacted by SignalSam)***
*Since deceased.
**Since deceased. Death deemed a neccesity to get further information from the Man in the Long Coat.
***To prevent second-hand transmission of the dream.
Hey, I am Judas. Well, that's not my real name, but it will do for this blog.
Before the dream, I hadn’t really been able to create art for a while, years in fact, though I still considered myself an artist.
In trying to restart my muse I returned to a creative workshop group I used to go to years ago.
The new guy running it, "Crow", has changed the rules a bit, and the attendance has dropped considerably. I was a little suspect.
Crow insists we use nicknames for each other, hence "Judas." The only other guy in Group goes by Psyco Ra.
I've been going to Group for a couple weeks now and I guess it's helping because in the middle of the night I woke from a strange dream and went straight to my desk and drew with no hesitation.
I will try to get a scanner but for now, my phone’s camera will have to do.
I'll try to describe the dream as best as I can:
I'm on the train that I used to take to work at the factory. I am trying to draw, but the marks don't appear on the pages. I look over and across the aisle from my seat, where normally there would be another seat and a window, and instead against the wall, clear as day, is an old wooden [redacted]. I get a sense that it may disappear or become locked if I don't act fast.
Leaving the train behind me I walk down an endless [redacted], an uneasy feeling at my back. My pace quickens.
In the [redacted] I see a giant [redacted] being inspected by a man.
The man spears the [redacted] with a small [redacted] as he inspects the splintered [redacted], making an effort to keep his distance. Not wanting to remain with the unease at my back, my step makes a hollow sound on the floor of the [redacted].
The Man in the Long Coat turns to look at me, his face bruised and terrified. The moment his glance wanders, the [redacted] splits and opens a deep inky maw.
I woke and drew for the first time in 4 years.