From: Jeff@[redacted]
To: Signalsam@[redacted]
Subject: What is this

Hey man, I know it's been years, but you're the only person I know who can help me with this. I recorded this sound after hearing it intermittently on the radio. Ay first I thought it was saying "no worries" but I'm less and less sure every time I hear it. Just take a look, please.  I need to figure this out.

From: Signalsam@[redacted]
To: Jeff@[redacted]
Subject: /////////


How ya been! Other than... well I guess you haven't been up to anything too new. Still working on broadcast stuff?

You know normally I would wave off something like this, but I'm getting some serious creepy X Files vibes from it... Even if it is saying no worries then... why?

Can you give me some more information? You kinda caught my interest with this one...


From: Signalsam@[redacted]
To: Jeff@[redacted]
Subject: /////////

Hey Jeff-

I know I asked questions in the last email but I was too curious and picked at that file a bit. I tried slowing it down and speeding it up and nothing. Then i played it backwards (a staple in hidden messages, i had to try ). It's not saying no worries. It's saying 0 and 1... i mean it sounds like it is.

So i wrote it all down and decoded it. I couldn't help myself it was too interesting. I'd tell you what it says but I'd rather show you. Picture and audio attached.



From: Jeff@[redacted]
To: Signalsam@[redacted]
SUbject: Re://///////


Thank you for your work, though it brings about more questions.  I record this from the radio, I've heard it on a number of frequencies, always the same recording.

If someone is so desperate for help to hijack the radio, why go through the trouble of coding their message into binary and reading it backwards?  And what kind of hardware would it take to send it out? Who are we dealing with?